Tuesday, July 15, 2008

inspiration - what inspires you

Over the past few days I have found myself reflecting on inspiration. What inspires me? What pushes me to try new things? What enables me to become more than I am? The more I think about it - the more I am sure I have no idea. Initially I tried to narrow it down - what circumstances tend to cause my inspiration? Is there a photograph or photographer that always strikes a chord with my inner soul ... possibly. I love the work of David Ziser, Scott Kelby, Joe Bussink, this list goes on and on; however, while most of their work humbles me and inspires me can I say that all of it does? I am reading Joe McNalley's book "The Moment it Clicks" and am quickly beginning to appreciate being inspired by the moment - being aware of what is around you and feeding off of the potential ingredients that could make up a master image. All too often I find myself geting wraped up in gear and technology - I think the art of crafting images gets left behind. How many hours do I spend watching tech reviews and reading about new cameras instead of picking one up and making some images? I'm going to have to think on this some more about this...

1 comment:

Danny said...

Whenever I feel in need of inspiration I check out Scott Stulberg's photos (http://www.asa100.com/). His website was probably one of the first photo sites that made me stop and slow down and look at the images. He has such an amazing style I still find inspiration in it.